Posted in: WordPress Tutorials

How to Add User to Your WordPress Website or Blog?

Do you want to add a new user in your WordPress website or blog? If you don’t know how to add and manage users in WordPress, this guide is for you.

WordPress is a versatile content management system that allows multiple users to collaborate on a single website or blog. You can add users with different roles and permissions. Whether you’re working with a team, guest authors, or contributors, this guide will walk you through the steps to add a user to your WordPress website or blog.

Why Add Users to Your WordPress Site?

Adding users to your WordPress site has several benefits:

  1. Content Management: Multiple users can create, edit, and manage content, which is especially helpful for large websites with numerous articles and pages.
  2. Improved Workflow: Assigning roles and permissions streamlines your site’s workflow, ensuring that each user has the right level of access and responsibilities.
  3. Collaboration: Team members can collaborate effectively, enhancing productivity and content quality.
  4. Security: By assigning specific roles, you can control who can access sensitive parts of your site, reducing the risk of unauthorized changes.

How to Add Users in WordPress Website of Blog?

Now, let’s dive into the steps to add a user to your WordPress website or blog.

Step 1: Log in to Your WordPress Dashboard

To begin, log in to your WordPress admin dashboard using your administrator credentials. Typically, your login URL will be “”

Step 2: Access the User Section

Once logged in, navigate to the “Users” section on the left-hand menu. Click on “Users” to access the user management screen.

Step 3: Add a New User

On the Users screen, you will see a list of existing users if any have been added. To add a new user, click the “Add New” button at the top of the page.

Step 4: Fill in User Details

You will be taken to the “Add New User” page. Here, you need to fill in the user’s details:

  • Username: Create a unique username for the user.
  • Email: Enter the user’s email address. This is important as WordPress will send them login details.
  • First Name: Optionally, you can enter their first name.
  • Last Name: Optionally, you can enter their last name.
  • Website: Optionally, you can add the user’s website (if applicable).
  • Password: Choose a secure password for the user or use the “Generate Password” button to create a strong password automatically.
  • Send User Notification: Check this box if you want WordPress to send an email notification to the user with their login details.

Step 5: Set User Role

The most crucial step is to set the user’s role. WordPress offers several predefined roles, including:

  • Administrator: Has full control over the site.
  • Editor: Can edit, publish, and manage all content.
  • Author: Can publish and manage their posts.
  • Contributor: Can write and edit their own posts but cannot publish them.
  • Subscriber: Can only manage their profile.

Choose the role that best suits the user’s responsibilities. If in doubt, it’s usually best to start with a lower-level role and adjust it later if needed.

Step 6: Add User

After completing the user’s details and setting their role, click the “Add New User” button at the bottom of the page. You’ve successfully added a user to your WordPress website or blog. The new user will receive an email with their login information and can start contributing to your site according to their assigned role.


Adding users to your WordPress site is a simple yet powerful way to manage your website effectively and distribute responsibilities among your team or collaborators. By understanding user roles and permissions, you can maintain security and streamline your site’s workflow, ensuring that everyone contributes efficiently to your online presence.